Ausgewählte Fachartikel (peer reviewed)
- Selection Bias in Reporting of Median Waiting Times in Organ Transplantation (2024)
- Donor Evaluation Tool: A New Technology Improves Donor Enrolment on ICU (2024)
- Importance and Potential of European Cross-Border Deceased Donor Organ Allocation Through FOEDUS-EOEO Platform (2023)
- Organ donation after circulatory death as compared with organ donation after brain death in Switzerland - an observational study (2022)
- Impact of cardiopulmonary resuscitation on organ donation in Switzerland (2021)
- Outcome of kidney transplantation from very senior donors in Switzerland - a national cohort study (2021)
- Donation after circulatory death today: an updated overview of the European landscape (2020)
- Organ Transplantation in Switzerland (2019)
- Deceased organ donation activity and efficiency in Switzerland between 2008 and 2017: achievements and future challenges (2018)
- Evolution of Deceased Organ Donation Activity Versus Efficiency Over a 15-year Period: An International Comparison (2018)
Liste aller Fachartikel (peer reviewed) mit Beteiligung von Mitarbeitenden von Swisstransplant:
Weitere Fachartikel (nicht peer reviewed)
- Prognosemodelle und künstliche Intelligenz (2023)
- Organspende: Lange Wartezeiten für Patientinnen und Patienten (2023)
- Systemwechsel kann Leben retten (2020)
- Positive Tendenzen im Bereich Organspende (2019)
- Organspende in der Schweiz – explizite oder vermutete Zustimmung? (2018)
- Rechtliche Aspekte der Organzuteilung – Licht und Schatten (2015)
- Wiedereinführung des Non-Heart-Beating-Donor-Programms in der Schweiz? (2010)